Internet Archaeology Archive: Fifth annual report 1999-2000

1. Activities and Progress

i. Major objectives

During its second year of continuation funding the project continued to focus on the transition from an eLib project to a self-funding service. With this in mind we have:

ii. Main activities

Our main activities during our fifth year focussed in the following areas:

iii. Project outputs

In line with these activities, our main outputs have been:

iv. Particular successes

2. Learning from the process of implementation

i. Staffing and skills range:

Judith Winters has continued to serve as the journal's Editor (working four days a week). We also employ a part-time Administrator and bring in a freelance Copy Editor as needed. We recognise that the project depends upon our ability to maintain a number of part-time staff with a range of skills (e.g. Editor, Administrator, Copy Editor) and a range of consultants with skills in technical development areas (e.g. databases, preparation of cgi scripts).

ii. Income generation and future funding:

The majority of our income is likely to come from subscriptions and we have proceeded on the basis that:

After discussion with a number of partners (see 'Charging options' paper in Appendix X) we have contracted SWETS to provide the necessary authentication via NESLI, using ATHENS for higher education institutions. IP authentication for other institutions is undertaken in house by the journal. The previous journal HTTP authentication has been maintained for individual access. Fulfilment is being undertaken by Turpin Distribution Services Ltd (now part owned by Swets).

Following discussion of the possibilities of revenue generation from sponsorship (see Appendix X) we are attempting to attract a small number of directly relevant 'banners' for the journal's home page and issue contents pages from archaeological book publishers and providers of archaeology postgraduate courses, although we do not expect this to generate large sums.

We also continue to pursue publication subventions and are in discussion with a number of archaeological projects about potential future publication in the journal using project funds to help finance the publication.

We remain confident that the journal will become self-supporting, although we are not yet 100% sure that sufficient funding will be available in the year after September 2001 (see Appendix IV). 

iii. Project management:

The project is largely run through an Executive Committee, which now meets every month, with business between meetings largely being conducted by email. The Steering Committee meets bi-annually and maintains a strategic overview and responsibility for policy development (see Appendix V).

iv. Sustainability:

We are confident that the journal is sustainable in the long term. A number of national archaeological agencies are now actively promoting electronic publication and a significant culture change is under way which has already led to an increase in the number of high profile archaeological projects approaching the journal at an early stage to discuss potential publication.

v. Influences of eLib and other programmes:

Although several university librarians and a number of those in JISC have expressed interest in our search for solutions and have provided useful support, it is our experience that the eLib programme itself has offered little in terms of shared experiences or central support from which we might have benefited. We have, however, benefited from direct contacts with a sister ejournal, Sociological Research Online, which has developed a comparable authentication and charging mechanism.

vi. Changes to our plan:

Our plans for the collection of subscriptions have slowly evolved during the year in discussion with a number of potential partners. We now have a mechanism in place for the * domain and plan its expansion to cover institutions in other parts of the world during the next year.

3. Evaluation results

i. Forms of evaluation

Three evaluation reports were commissioned during the year:

ii. Results

The evaluation reports are attached as Appendix VIII.

4. Future development

i. Main objectives during the coming year

ii. Planned changes in overall direction

We do not anticipate any major changes in editorial direction. We are putting continued emphasis on increasing our readership, revenue generation, and increasing the number of quality contributions being offered to the journal.

iii. Development beyond project time frame

The journal has core funding for one further year. We hope to: The core funding is declining and our predictions for revenue have been reduced to take account of the delays in introducing a charging mechanism. Nonetheless, we have also reduced our costs (principally through a reduction in staffing levels) and so will remain viable until at least September 2001.We believe we are on target to turn the journal into a self-funding product. The University of York has indicated that if we can produce a viable business plan and demonstrate realistic income streams it will underwrite staff salaries beyond the project end date.
Dr Michael Heyworth  Dr Julian Richards
Council for British Archaeology  Department of Archaeology
Bowes Morrell House  University of York
111 Walmgate  The King's Manor
York YO1 9WA  York YO1 2EP
tel 01904 671417  tel 01904 433930
fax 01904 671384  fax 01904 433939
email  email

29 August 2000

List of appendices

  1. Table of contents of seventh and eighth issues, 1999-2000
  2. Forthcoming contributions
  3. List of formal presentations undertaken 1999 & 2000
  4. Financial report (to 30 April 2000) and projections
  5. Steering Committee minutes
  6. Web server statistics for Internet Archaeology (1 April 1999 31 March 2000)
  7. Editorial policy & Guidelines for authors
  8. Evaluation Reports: World Wide Web links; Institutional subscriptions (summary); Readership trends and patterns
  9. Subscriptions announcements, Subscription order form & Subscription FAQs
  10. Discussion document relating to revenue generation through advertising & Charging options paper

Appendix I

Table of contents of seventh and eighth issues, 1999-2000

Appendix II

Forthcoming contributions

Appendix III

List of formal presentations undertaken 1999 & 2000

September December 2000



Appendix IV

Financial report (to 30 April 2000) and projections

Appendix V

Steering Committee minutes

The Project's Steering Committee met on two occasions: The Steering Committee incorporates the functions of the former Editorial Board and Technical Panel. It now meets on a bi-annual basis.

Appendix VI

Web server statistics for Internet Archaeology, 1 April 1999 - 31 March 2000

Appendix VII

Appendix VIIIE

Evaluation Reports:

Appendix IX

Appendix X


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