Figure 26: Kiln furniture; Montage of props buns and dishes.

Montage of props, buns and dishes: a - P4; b - D2; c - P3 & P3b; d - P4 & D1; e - P2; f - P4a; g - P2, P4 and B2.

a - Type 4 props from Lewes, Pipe Passage. Fabric - white clay.

b - Type 2 dish from Lewes, Pipe Passage. Fabric - white clay.

c - Props Types 2 and 3b from Lewes, Pipe Passage. Fabric - white clay.

d - Prop and dish from Gloucester, 99 Westgate Street. Fabric - white clay matrix with mixed mineral and self coloured grog inclusions. 1870-75

e - Type 2 props from Lewes, Pipe Passage. Fabric - white clay.

f - Type 4a props from Stamford, North Street. Fabric - white clay matrix with crushed pipe grog and pipe trimmings; traces of lute wash.

g - Column of props and buns from from Lewes, Pipe Passage. Bottom to top; Type 2 prop, Type 2 bun, Type 4 prop, Type 2 bun. Fabric - white clay.