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ABCD: 1106

Bothwellhaugh 75-6 Motherwell, Lanarkshire

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Bothwellhaugh 75-6, Motherwell, Lanarkshire, 1981, Strathclyde, Scotland NS729578
Period: Roman/Antonine ad 142- c. 165
Category: extra mural bathhouse
Notes: -
Topography: plateau above the Clyde
Condition: dry
Report type: charcoal/wood

Dickson C. 1981. Charcoal samples. 94. In: Kepple L J F. 1981. Excavation of a Roman Bathhouse at Bothwellhaugh, 1975-76. Glasgow Archaeol. J. 8. 46-94. Scotland, Strathclyde

Processed by
CAD - Dickson, Camilla: Glasgow Univ (nee Lambert)

Sample: 1106a

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Alnus glutinosa cwd c Q + 1
Betula sp. cwd c Q + 1
Corylus avellana cwd c Q + 1
Crataegus/Malus sp. cwd c Q + 1
Prunus cf. avium cwd c Q + 1
Quercus sp. cwd c Q + 1
Salix sp. cwd c Q + 1
Sorbus sp. cwd c Q + 1

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007