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ABCD: 1291

Finsbury Circus 19-21 London

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Finsbury Circus 19-21, London, 1921, Greater London, England TQ350850
Period: Roman/?post Roman/medieval
Category: urban occupation
Notes: reed bed overlain by C15th black mud
Topography: gravel river terrace
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Reid E M. 1920-1. Analysis of a sample from the reed-bed. 111. In: Lambert F. Some recent excavations in London. Archaeologia. 71. 55-112. England, Greater London

Processed by
EMR - Reid, Eleanor M: (1921)

Sample: 1291a
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
ND - layer reedy dark earth Roman or post Roman ? ?

Context integrity: 1
Context preservation: wl
Dating method: pot
Dating validity: 1
Environmental interpretion: reed bed, overlain by 15th c black mud
Archaeological interpretion: natural flooding or poss. on purpose by Romans

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Apium nodiflorum pro w 7 3
Atriplex littoralis pro w Q + 1
Carduus nutans pro w 2 1
Carex sp. pro w 2 1
Ceratophyllum submersum pro w Q + 1
cf. Bilderdykia convolvulus pro w Q + 1
Chenopodium botryodes pro w Q + 1
Conium maculatum pro w Q + 1
Eleocharis palustris pro w 1 1
Equisetum cf. maxima stm w Q +++ 1
Ficus carica pro w 1 1
Lapsana communis pro w 2 1
Myosoton aquaticum pro w T 2 1
Myriophyllum spicatum pro w 1 1
Oenanthe cf. crocata pro w 4 2
Picris echioides pro w T 1 1
Polygonum mite pro w Q + 1
Ranunculus repens pro w 1 1
Ranunculus sceleratus pro w 5 3
Ranunculus Subgenus Batrachium pro w Q + 1
Rubus fruticosus agg. pro w 2 1
Rumex maritimus pro w Q ++ 1
Sambucus nigra pro w 5 3
Scirpus tabernaemontani pro w 2 1
Silene maritima pro w 1 1
Sonchus arvensis pro w Q + 1
Sonchus asper pro w Q + 1
Stellaria media pro w 1 1
Torilis japonica pro w N 1 1
Urtica urens pro w 6 3
Zannichellia palustris pro w 3 2

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