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ABCD: 1453

Kings Langley 70 Kings Langley

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Kings Langley 70, Kings Langley, 1973, Hertfordshire, England TL064025
Period: medieval 14th c
Category: ?
Notes: charcoal from cellar
Topography: 400ft OD Chiltern Hills
Condition: dry
Report type: charcoal/wood

Morgan G. 1973. Charcoals from the cellar. 70. In: Neal D S. Excavations at the Palace and Priory at Kings Langley, 1970. Hertfordshire Archaeol. 3. 31-73. England, Hertfordshire

Processed by
GCM - Morgan, Graham C: Dept Archaeol. Leicester Univ (1978)

Sample Period
1453a PR.MD.HM

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007