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ABCD: 1726

Newcastle Town Ditch 86-7 Newcastle upon Tyne

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Newcastle Town Ditch 86-7, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1989, Tyne and Wear, England NZ2564
Period: early 14th to late 18th c
Category: urban town ditch
Notes: ditch outside town wall; samples combined in report
Topography: lowland river valley
Condition: dry
Report type: macrofossil reports

Nye S and Turner J. 1989. Botanical remains. 66-7 In: Nolan J, Fraser R, Harbottle B and Burton F C. The medieval town defences of Newcastle upon Tyne: excavation and survey 1986-7. Archaeol. Aeliana. 17. 29. England, Tyne and Wear

Nye S and Turner J. 1989. Wood. 66. In: Nolan J, Fraser R, Harbottle B and Burton F C. The medieval town defences of Newcastle upon Tyne: excavation and survey 1986-7. Archaeol. Aeliana. 17. 29. England, Tyne and Wear

Processed by
JT - Turner, Judith: Durham Univ

SN - Nye, Sandra: freelance contract worker

Sample: 1726a
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.MD - ditch fill nr medieval ? ?

Context integrity: 2
Context preservation: wl
Dating method: ?
Dating validity: ?
Environmental interpretion: samples combined in reports
Archaeological interpretion: ditch outside town wall

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Gramineae pro w 6 2
Polygonum persicaria pro w 1 1
Polygonum sp. pro w 1 1
Rubus fruticosus agg. pro w 2 1
Rumex sp. pro w 4 1
Sambucus nigra pro w 179 4

Sample: 1726b
Period Context Type Sediment Period Earliest date Latest date
PR.PM - ditch fill nr post-medieval ? ?

Context integrity: 1
Context preservation: wl
Dating method: ?
Dating validity: ?
Environmental interpretion: ?
Archaeological interpretion: ditch outside town wall

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Achillea millefolium pro w 31 3
Atrichum undulatum sht w p 1
Carex sp. pro w 1 1
Chenopodium sp. pro w 1 1
Compositae pro w !2 1 1
Empetrum nigrum pro w 10 2
Eurhynchium sp. sht w p 1
Gramineae pro w 11 2
Labiatae pro w ! 1 1
Plagiomnium rostratum sht w p 1
Polygonum sp. pro w 1 1
Potentilla sp. pro w 1 1
Prunella vulgaris pro w 8 1
Pseudoscleropodium purum sht w p 1
Ranunculus acris type pro w 48 3
Rubus fruticosus agg. pro w 81 3
Rumex sp. pro w 53 3
Sambucus nigra pro w 1 1
Sonchus asper pro w 1 1
Stellaria alsine pro w 3 1
Stellaria media pro w 2 1
Urtica dioica pro w 96 3
Viola sp. pro w 1 1

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