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ABCD: 1745

Westgate St Gloucester 75 Gloucester

Site code:

Site details:
Location: Westgate St Gloucester 75, Gloucester, 1979, Gloucestershire, England SO8318
Period: lowland roman 4th-5th/12thc/post med.
Category: urban tenement
Notes: well sampled, details in Green's thesis
Topography: river valley
Condition: dry
Report type: charcoal/wood

Morris C A and Frost C. 1979. Wooden objects and wood identifications. 186-90. In: Heighway C M, Garrod A P and Vince A G. Excavations at 1 Westgate Street, Gloucester, 1975. Medieval Archaeol. 23. 159-213. England, Gloucestershire

Processed by
CAM - Morris, Carole A:

CF - Frost, C:

Sample: 1745a

Taxa name Part Preservation Problem code Quantity Abundance
Alnus sp. wwd w p 1
cf. Acer pseudoplatanus wwd w Z p 1
Corylus avellana wwd w Z p 1
Crataegus type wwd w Z p 1
Fraxinus sp. wwd w p 1
Quercus sp. wwd w p 1
Salix sp. wwd w Z p 1

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007