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ABCD: Bidens sp.

Bidens sp.



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Site no Site Location Date Period
1460 River Exe 84 St Thomas, Exeter, Devon, England 1988 medieval
1209 Knights Farm 1 74-8 Burghfield, nr Reading (subsite 1), Berkshire, England 1980 Bronze Age 11th-8th c bc
1305 Dominican Priory Oxford 76-83 Oxford, Oxfordshire, England 1985 ?medieval
1616 General Accident York 83-4 York, 24-30 Tanner Row, North Yorkshire, England 1990 roman-AS-medieval
1727 Crown Court 85-6 Newcastle Quayside, Tyne and Wear, England 1989 medieval
1620 Lloyds Bank York 72-3 6-8 Pavement, York, North Yorkshire, England 1983 ?
1621 Coppergate 74 York, North Yorkshire, England 1983 Roman-Anglo-Scand-medieval
1170 Sheils 73-4 Govan, Glasgow, Strathclyde, Scotland 1983 Iron Age
1627 Sewer Lane 74 Kingston-upon-Hull, Humberside, England 1977 ?
1920 Coppergate 76-81 York, North Yorkshire, England 1995 Roman-Anglo-Scand-medieval

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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007