Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name Coldrum
Site number 117
Burial codes 5005 5009 5021 5024 5025 5028 5030 5032 5042 5047 5051 5053 5065 5075 5084 5092 5098 5103 5110 5128 5129 5143 5152 5153 5155 5159 5181
3500bc - 2500bc Chambered long barrow of trapezoidal shape oriented to E. Primary burials were possibly found in the 1922 excavations, but in 1910 there were discovered two stone platforms of different aged interments in the north west part of the chamber. At the top were 2 inhumations, in the middle were 8, and lower down there was possible human skeletal material in trenches. In all the remains of at least 22 individuals of all ages and sexes could be identified. The crania indicated features that suggest that the remains belonged to members of one family or of close kinship. One skull was supported by two blocks of ironstone one on each side, while close by a flint saw was found and pottery believed 'Neolithic'. It was probably of the period but stratigraphy and interpretation in the reports is not clear. The bones found indicated chronic rheumatism in some older individuals. There is some evidence for ordering of the skulls against the chamber walls, and the other bones being 'in the middle space' (Bennett 1913, 83).
Remains/Period Y5
County Kent
Region SE
National grid square TQ
X coordinate 654
Y coordinate 607
Bibliographic source Bennett 1913, Keith 1913, 1925, Filkins 1928, Jessup 1931


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Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004