Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name Julliberrie's Grave, Chilham
Site number 119
Burial codes 5005 5021 5023 5025 5028 5030 5031 5036 5053 5152 5153 5184
3500bc - 2500bc Long earthen barrow oriented N, with a mound of chalk core covered by rubble with earth and turf capped by rubble. Primary burials had been probably destroyed. A fragment of Neolithic pottery plain bowl was found in the primary silt of the ditch (later Neolithic date?). A regular pit was made in the side of the barrow shortly after its completion; it was stained at the bottom with organic matter and held an extensive deposit of lumpy chalk. It had all been carefully dug, deposited and refilled. The 'ritual pit' found in 1936 was marked by large stones. There was no human skeletal material of the Neolithic.
Remains/Period N5
County Kent
Region SE
National grid square TQ
X coordinate 518
Y coordinate 716
Bibliographic source Jessup 1937, 1939


© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004