Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name King's Wood, Sanderstead
Site number 1289
Burial codes 1002 1005 1021 1023 1026 1028 1030 1035 1041 1048 1051 1065 1075 1084 1094 1098 1104 1108 1109 1113 1129 1143 1153 1161 1181
100bc-AD43 A settlement site of the early 1st Century to the 2nd Century AD (cAD30-AD160) with an external cremation cemetery of babies and young children c6m east of the eastern entrance on the south side of the approach road. All but one of the 5 recorded burials were in cinerary vessels often with accompanying pots. There was evidence for other interments from other sherds found, but no traces of Samian, or of other grave goods such as brooches. One vessel among the 5 burials was considered clearly Iron Age in form, and the burial ground has been generally dated to the period cAD40-70.

No 1 was a small compact pile of cremated bone from a child possibly deposited in a bag, with no associated vessels.
No 2 comprised 2 vessels, a small brown vessel with a button base and a large grey cinerary urn with cordons, the latter filled with large bone fragments of a child c5-10 with only slight calcination and a calcined flint. Arranged around the group were 24 worked flint flakes.
No 3 was of a very young baby, whose calcined bones were placed in a bead rim cooking pot. Beside this was an almost intact baby's feeding bottle.
No 4 comprised two vessels, one a black cordoned vessel of typical Iron Age form, the other a small coarse ware pot, with a few calcined bone fragments in the former.
No 5 was represented by a scatter of cinerary urn sherds and semi-calcined bone, associated with an imported unglazed buff jug of unusual from with relief decoration, considered St Remy ware and to be Claudian.

The adult cemetery was believed to exist south of the settlement.
Remains/Period Y1
County Surrey
Region SE
National grid square TQ
X coordinate 352
Y coordinate 608
Bibliographic source Little 1961, Whimster 1981


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Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004