Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name East Northdown, Margate
Site number 910
Burial codes 4001 4005 4022 4023 4025 4028 4030 4035 4042 4044 4045 4051 4065 4075 4092 4098 4104 4106 4112 4128 4143 4151 4181 3001 3005 3022 3023 3025 3028 3030 3035 3042 3044 3045 3051 3065 3075 3092 3098 3104 3106 3112 3128 3143 3151 3181 3200
2500bc-14/1300bc A subcircular ring ditch with an internal diameter of 15m, and a possible external bank. In the ditch at the SE at the bottom of the second layer down was a group of human bones comprising 4 long bones and a lower jaw, part of the skeleton of an adult c25-35, with no pit, apparently disarticulated at the time of deposition. While there were other pits and grave like features in the interior or across the ditch itself, there were no burials securely attributable to this period, and bone did not survive well. Some Beaker sherds were identified in and below the layer in which the bones described were found, but there can be no certainty about the dating of that interment since Late Bronze Age metalwork was found at similar levels in the ditch.
14/1300bc-8/700bc Overlap site with 2500-14/1300, as at least one pit produced a radiocarbon date of the later period. The evidence suggests the group of bones may also be dated to this later period.

RC: from the top layer of the primary silt HAR-7010 1070 +/- 80, from Pit 698 HAR-7011 960 +/- 70
Remains/Period Y4 Y3
County Kent
Region SE
National grid square TR
X coordinate 385
Y coordinate 704
Bibliographic source Smith 1987


© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004