Attitudes to Disposal of the Dead - Gazetteer Query Form

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Site name Harrold Ring Ditch 16 Area III
Site number 932
Burial codes 4001 4005 4022 4023 4025 4028 4030 4031 4042 4046 4051 4065 4075 4084 4092 4098 4102 4105 4128 4143 4153 4181 3002 3005 3022 3023 3025 3028 3030 3031 3041 3048 3051 3065 3075 3083 3092 3098 3101 3105 3106 3128 3143 3153 3161 3181 2001 2005 2022 2023 2025 2028 2030 2031 2042 2046 2051 2065 2075 2084 2092 2098 2102 2105 2128 2143 2153 2181
2500bc-14/1300bc A ring ditch comprising two concentric penannular circular ditches with a causeway on the north side. A bank probably existed between the ditches. A crouched inhumation burial of an adult female c20-25 lying on its left side and without associated finds was found in a shallow hollow slightly off the barrow centre.

Pottery of Middle to Late Bronze Age type was found in the Areas I-III but no with clear associations.
14/1300bc-8/700bc One of the unassociated urns was of bucket type from Area 1, containing the cremation of a male c25 or less. Wall sherds from at least 3 other Bronze Age pots were found nearby, all of bucket type. One of these retained a small collection of cremated bone, partial, probably of a male c30 or more. The absence of rim sherds suggests that these urns were placed upright, and together formed a small cemetery.
8/700bc-100bc A skeleton of an adult (?)female c20-25 was crouched on its left side within a depression dug into the filling of Ring Ditch 16, orientation unknown, and without associated goods. Iron Age pottery was in the upper layers of the ditch fill.
Remains/Period Y4 Y3 Y2
County Bedfordshire
Region SE
National grid square SP
X coordinate 953
Y coordinate 573
Bibliographic source Eagles and Evison 1970


© Internet Archaeology/Author(s)
Last updated: Tues Aug 10 2004