Table 32: Laboratory analysis of water samples from 15 June 1995

(Results expressed as mg/l, except where stated. Analysis carried out on a filtered sample)

ParameterSample id.
BH2/Sample 1
EC (us/cm @ 25°C)5950
Redox potential (mV)+161
Total sulphur (as SO4)152
Calcium (as Ca)108
Magnesium (as Mg)380
Barium (as Ba)0.02
Strontium (as Sr)0.28
Sodium (as Na)276
Potassium (as K)259
Nickel (as Ni)0.05
Chromium (as Cr)0.12
Cadmium (as Cd)<0.01
Copper (as Cu)0.01
Lead (as Pb)<0.03
Zinc (as Zn)<0.01
Manganese (Mn)0.10
Iron (Fe)0.06
Aluminium (as Al)<0.01
Arsenic (as As)<0.04

Table 33: Bacteriological examination

(Results expressed as cfu/ml)

ParameterSample id.
BH2/Sample 2BH2/Sample 3
Total viable bacteria count (aerobic) @ 35°C320 000260 000
Total viable bacteria count (aerobic) @ 25°C650 000500 000
Total viable bacteria count (anaerobic) @ 35°C160 000220 000
Total viable bacteria count (anaerobic) @ 25°C300 000120 000

Analysis conducted by: TES Bretby. Sample received: 15 June 1995.


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