Table 8: 44-45 Parliament Street, York: sediment descriptions for samples from Section 4 (north-east), Trench 1

The order follows the stratigraphic sequence, from uppermost downwards to facilitate cross-referencing. All sediments were recorded as 'moist' or 'just moist'.

Context Height (m AOD) Sample Type of deposit Sediment description
1107 13.5 40002 ?extensive surface build-up or dump heterogeneous: mid-brown to dark-grey plastic, slightly sandy clay silt with 1-10mm-scale mottles, flecks of white amorphous material, clasts of pale grey clay, a well-rotted organic component, patches of ?peat and 1mm patches of amorphous charcoal; brick/tile and mammal bone also present
1107 13.2 40003 ?extensive surface build-up or dump very heterogeneous, jumbled on the 1mm scale, typically dark grey-brown, more orange in places, crumbly, slightly plastic, humic slightly sandy clay silt/very rotted amorphous organic sediment; stones >60mm and rotted mortar and brick/tile present, together with traces of mycelium
1109 12.9 40004 ?extensive surface build-up or dump very heterogeneous: principally mid-dark grey-brown crumbly (working plastic), sandy clay silt texture with fine herbaceous detritus and amorphous organic sediment, and multicoloured clays ranging from mid-dark greyish- to reddish-brown; stone >60mm, brick/tile, charcoal, large mammal bone and very rotted oyster shell present and very decayed wood common
1121 12.5 40005 ?extensive surface build-up or dump heterogeneous on mm-scale, typically mid-dark grey-brown, crumbly (working plastic), slightly compressed, slightly sandy clay silt with fine herbaceous detritus and amorphous organic sediment; stones 20-60mm (including very rotted oolitic limestone), very soft charcoal, very decayed wood, large mammal bone all present


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