Dipwell Installation

On 14th June, the dipwell was installed into a borehole created using a lightweight 'vibro-hammer' corer unit. The operating principle of the corer unit is described, and the depth of installation is shown in Table 41.

Table 41: Dipwell installation

Borehole numberMonitoring point installedGround level, upper surface of pavement slab (m AOD)Length of dipwell installed (m)Top of dipwell (m AOD)Base of dipwell (m AOD)

A profile log and depths of each sample taken from the borehole are given in Table 20. The samples were analysed for a range of parameters, including moisture loss, organic matter, sulphate and sulphide, total metals, pH, electrical conductivity and redox potential. Results of the analysis are presented in Tables 29-31.

On 15 June 1995, water samples recovered from the dipwell were sent for laboratory analysis of sulphate content, total metals, pH, conductivity and redox potential. A bacteriological examination was also conducted to determine total viable counts of both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. The results of the water analysis are presented in Tables 32 and 33.

Duplicate water samples were recovered from the dipwell on 27 June, 1995, and a water level within the dipwell was recorded. One set of samples were analysed with a range of portable water quality probes. The parameters determined included pH, electrical conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and redox potential. The second set of samples were sent for laboratory analysis of the same suite of tests performed on the 15 June samples, excluding the bacteriological examination. These sets of results are presented in Table 34.


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