Suction sampler installation

The five suction samplers were each installed into boreholes created by the 'vibro-hammer' corer unit. Boreholes 4, 5, 6 and 7 were located within the base of the trench excavated by YAT, and borehole 8 was within the excavated inspection chamber (Figure 6). The material recovered from each borehole was initially described and representative samples then collected for laboratory analysis. The profile logs and points of sample collection are shown in Table 20, and the results of the laboratory analysis are shown in Tables 29-31. An incomplete profile log was recorded for borehole 5, because the continuous cores obtained were not available for examination at the time of borehole creation. Instead, the cores were placed in plastic sleeves and made available to the EAU for their own studies).

The depth of installation for each suction sampler is shown below in Table 42.

Table 42: Depth of suction sampler installation

Borehole number (sampler number)Ground level, upper surface of former shop floor (m AOD)Depth from ground level to base of sampler (m)Base of sampler (m AOD)

The suction samplers were installed on 13 and 14 June 1995. Duplicate water samples were then successfully recovered during a monitoring visit conducted by HLE on 27 June 1995. One set of samples was analysed using a portable water quality probe, and the others were sent for laboratory analysis; the findings are reported in Table 32 and Table 34.


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Last updated: Thur Feb 28 2002