Willis Samian Index

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Site Chells - Boxfield Farm. Ceramic Period 3. Well fill. Middle layers. CAB 6-13
Category Rural
Date Range c AD 150-185
Number of Vessels in Group 19
EH Region Eastern
County Hertfordshire
Bibliography Going & Hunn 1999; Waugh 1999; Dickinson 1999a
Context Type Well fill: middle layers
Context Label Contexts CAB 6-13
Notes ? Structured Deposit.
Dating Qualifications and Evidence SD: no dating qualifications; ED possibly +/- 5 years

TypeFormSamian ValueNo of VesselsStamp
SGLG 36 Dish 28 1
LMV 18/31 Dish 28 1
LEZ 18/31 Dish 114 4 [G]ABRILLI.M = Gabrillus i, Die 2b
LEZ 30 or 37 Dec Bowl 28 1
LEZ 31 Dish 114 4 R[E]DITI.M = Reditus, Die 3a; SECVNDVS.F = Secundus v, Die 4a; [TITV]S.FECT = Titus ii, Die 10a
LEZ 33 Cup 114 4 REBVRRIOF = Reburrus ii, Die 4m; RVFVS.F? = Rufus v
LEZ 37 Dec Bowl 28 1
LEZ 42 Cup or Dish 28 1
LEZ Curle 15 Dish 28 1
EGBK 18/31R Dish 28 1 ITOCCAFECIT = Tocca, Die 9a
c.AD 125-150

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Last updated: Mon Mar 22 2004