Table 9: Samian and the Date of Site Deposits.

Case Study 2, Southwark: 93-5 Borough High St, 1974, Water channel deposits (SLAEC 1978)

(This is the source data for Chart 10)

Context Excavator's Date for Context Sample Size:
No. of Samian
Vessels Present
Median Date of Deposit/s 'Average' Date of SamianDifference between
median date of
excavators dating and average date
of samian
Dated Coarse
Pottery Present
2 c. AD 60-69 5 c. AD 64 c. AD 67 +3 Pre-Flavian
9 c. AD 70-84 36 c. AD 77 c. AD 78 +1 Early Flavian
18c. AD 85-104 41 c. AD 95 c. AD 84 -11 Flavian-Trajanic
21c. AD 105-11910 c. AD 112 c. AD 88 -24Trajanic- Hadrianic
27 c. AD 120-129 36 c. AD 124 c. AD 102 -22 Hadrianic
31 c. AD 130-139 5 c. AD 134 c. AD 100-34Hadrianic-early Antonine
33 c. AD 140-149 19 c. AD 144 c. AD 106 -38 Early Antonine
34 c. AD 150-200 4c. AD 174 c. AD 135 -39 Antonine