Contractor / consultant Number of desk-based assessments recorded 1990-99
Museum of London Archaeology Service 265
Surrey County Archaeological Unit 223
Wessex Archaeology 204
John Samuels Archaeological Consultants 125
Bristol and Region Archaeological Services 124
Lancaster University Archaeological Unit 113
Northern Archaeological Associates 111
AC Archaeology 101
University of Leicester Archaeological Services 99
Exeter Archaeology 98
Lawson Price Environmental 88
Thames Valley Archaeological Services 85
Cornwall Archaeological Unit 82
Birmingham University Field Archaeology Unit 79
Hertfordshire Archaeological Trust 79
Gifford and Partners 78
Archaeological Project Services 74
Cotswold Archaeological Trust 71
Greater Manchester Archaeological Unit 70
Mills Whipp Partnership 70

Table 2: Summary of the top twenty archaeological contractors carrying out desk-based assessments in England between 1990 and 1999, ordered in terms of the number of reports recorded by the AIP, after Darvill and Russell (2002) Table W8.