
Note 1.
We especially want to thank Prof. Vasco Mantas of the University of Coimbra for his kind invitation to participate in this project. We are also most grateful to the Fundaçao Cidade de Ammaia and especially their archaeologists Joaquim Carvalho, Sofia Borges and Sérgio Pereira, for their logistic and scientific support. Other forms of academic collaboration resulting from this joint operation involved the participation of archaeology students from Ghent University and the University of Cassino at the Ammaia digs (yearly campaigns since 2001) and an Erasmus exchange for students from the Universities of Ghent and Coimbra (since 2002). [Close window]

Note 2.
The first two field campaigns involved three of the authors (geomorphologist M. De Dapper and archaeologists C. Corsi and F. Vermeulen) and were organised from mid-July to early August of 2001 and 2002. During the third campaign, in mid-summer 2004, they were joined by doctoral student and geomorphologist S. Deprez, who is preparing a geoarchaeological study of the Middle Tejo basin. [Close window]

Note 3.
Ammaia was not cited by Pliny in his list of Lusitanian civitas capitals of Augustan times, but this could have been an omission, while a civitas Ammaiensis is attested by an inscription from AD 44 or 45 onwards (Mantas 2000). [Close window]

Note 4.
We thank our Ghent colleague Prof. Johnny De Meulemeester for his recent views on the Arabic history of the area. [Close window]

Note 5.
Unpublished material made available to us by the Fundaçao Cidade de Ammaia. [Close window]

Note 6.
An arch ('Arco da Aramenha') was still present here until 1710, when it was transported to Castelo de Vide, to be destroyed there in the early 20th century. Some photographic documentation of it still remains (Mantas 2000). [Close window]

Note 7.
For a preliminary report on this discovery, see Oliveira et al. 1996. The whole sector of the southern gate will be re-examined by our colleague, J. De Meulemeester, in view of an evaluation of the evident post-Roman use of the area. [Close window]

Note 8.
We thank the Fundação Cidade de Ammaia for providing recent information about these finds. [Close window]

Note 9.
Geophysical research to check these hypotheses is planned under the direction of our colleague from Ghent university J. De Meulemeester. [Close window]