Welsh Roundhouses: House Data

Single house record for Stackpole Warren A

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Record number: 121
Site name:Stackpole Warren A
Site number: 146
Location: 146
Earliest radiocarbon date: -2140
Latest radiocarbon date: -1450
Approx. early date:
Approx. late date:
% excavated:
Internal diameter: 6
Area: 28.3
Evidence of repair:Yes
Repair/Rebuild details: posts later, implies two phases, first with double wall line, second with internal post ring and outer wall.
In situ decay:Yes
Wall material: posts set between hollows, internal wall slot, charcoal and daub suggests wattle and daub?
Wall gully:Yes
Wall slot:Yes
Cob or clay: Yes
Internal post ring:Yes
Other features: central post
Periphery width: 1
Central zone area: 12.6
Hearth: Yes
Hearth details: central hollow with clay lining, stakeholes. Charcoal and burnt bone
Floor details: hollowed, loess with burnt areas, esp. at entrance
Door orientation: ENE
External width: 0.5
Internal width: 1.4
Porch: Yes
Lithics and production: unknown
Burnt stone: o wall
Vessels: various
Human bone: various
Pre-house activity: General activity on site. Posthole 153 set in existing feature containing charcoal and bone, filled in before use.
After use: burnt down (giving radiocarbon date), infilling and soil formation, standing stone
Notes:burnt stone group in outer wall to N. Wall line inside outer post ring. Possible outer wall at edge of hollow to prevent flooding? Cereals from house mostly barley. Two other houses on this site, see archive. Ritual aspect suggested (Benson 1990, 238) much Beaker pottery. Could reconstruct as 4m diameter or 6m diameter, inner wall unusual?


© Internet Archaeology/Authors URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue23/1/house.cfm
Last updated: Mon Nov 26 2007