Welsh Roundhouses: House Data

Single house record for Holyhead Mountain

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Record number: 47
Site name:Holyhead Mountain
Site number: 49
Location: T1
Earliest radiocarbon date: 410
Latest radiocarbon date: 890
Approx. early date: -800
Approx. late date:
% excavated: 75-100%
Internal diameter: 5.3
Area: 22.1
Shape: circular
Wall material: inner and outer stone facings and rubble core
Stone wall: Yes
Rubble/earth core:Yes
Hearth: Yes
Hearth details: Two hearths, 21 (deposit of clay, burnt soil and stones) and 60 (charcoal-filled hollow with burnt sides)
Floor details: sealed by later rubble; clay, charcoal flecks
Occupation deposits: Yes
Door orientation: SE
Internal width: 2.5
Pre-house activity: Bronze Age hearths in enclosure with radiocarbon (HAR 4694 and 4695)
After use: covered in rubble. Probably out of use when house 46 built but remaining as arc of wall in NW. This arc contained pit 26 and 27 (later filled with burnt stones, postholes?) and hearth 30. Further rubble layer over these features. Re-use in c. 6th AD
Notes:Pre-dates house 46 in enclosed homestead. Probably Iron Age. 7 post structure


© Internet Archaeology/Authors URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue23/1/house.cfm
Last updated: Mon Nov 26 2007