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Figure 65: IKONOS Satellite image of the area around the Greater Kyz Kala: soil marks in the ploughed fields to the south and east, and variable vegetation within some areas of scrub, suggest a variety of features within the landscape surrounding the Kyz Kalas. They also show in the 1970s aerial photography (see GIS layer AP_Dom_Joined and enhanced – although this is poorly rectified in this area). They are less substantial than the traces of building complexes seen elsewhere in this landscape. The picture is confused by Soviet period agriculture (see GIS layer AP_Ceri_joined), and the long chronology of use of the area. Nevertheless, these might tentatively suggest formal landscape/garden features, such as water channels, pavilions or boundary walls, surrounding the elite buildings. [GIS layers]

Following a review of legacy systems and in line with broader ADS practice, the interactive map element of this article has been decommissioned. The full underlying set of data is still available for download from the digital archive.