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Figure 1 (Top): Location, South-West UK, central Somerset, the Somerset study area (dashed-line); river and stream system (black line); contour at 10m intervals (grey line).
Figure 1
(Bottom): The study area. The distribution of artefact- and site-based evidence, mostly Neolithic to earlier Bronze Age in relation to the main landscape types: the Polden Hills (labelled: open, outlined with black dashed line), the Somerset Levels and Moors (labelled: grey dots) and the Mendip Hills (labelled: open, outlined with black dashed line). Note the sand and rock islands are also mapped (labelled: the Burtle Bed islands [close dots] and the Westhay, Meare and Godney islands [Lias - horizontal lines]). Key: lithic scatters, Mesolithic to Bronze Age (cross); caves, rock shelters and swallets containing human bone and/or material culture ('x'); barrows or probable barrows (circle, open); trackways or platforms, earlier Neolithic to earlier Bronze Age in date (triangles, open); Contour at 10m intervals. Parameter of the study area (dashed black line); the silted 'roddon' and river network (black, infilled). Ordnance Survey data, Licence Number: LA07683X and British Geological Survey data, Licence Number: 2001/55.
Figure 1