List of Tables

Table 1: Number of individuals listed in legible inscriptions

Table 2: Context inventory from excavations at the Upper Chapel

Table 3: Skeletal inventory from excavations at the Upper Chapel

Table 4: XRF chemical analysis of shroud pins recovered from the Upper Chapel

Table 5: Pottery from excavations at the Upper Chapel

Table 6: Fragments of the kiln from excavations at the Upper Chapel

Table 7: Ceramic building material and other items from excavations at the Upper Chapel

Table 8: Pottery from the gravestone watching brief at the Upper Chapel

Table 9: Key to abbreviations used in Tables 12-14

Table 10: Samples of pottery taken for analysis by Alan Vince (AV)

Table 11: Chemical analysis of pottery samples: per cent oxides of major elements

Table 12: Chemical analysis of pottery samples: parts per million of minor and trace elements

Table 13: Context summary of clay tobacco pipe from excavations at the Upper Chapel

Table 14: Clay tobacco pipe from excavations at the Upper Chapel

Table 15: Glass from excavations at the Upper Chapel

Table 16: The number of countable animal bones and measurable elements from excavations at the Upper Chapel

Table 17: Animal bone from the gravestone watching brief at the Upper Chapel

Table 18: The waterlogged plant material from excavations at the Upper Chapel

Table 19: Details of the analysed oak (Quercus) dendrochronological samples from coffin [114]

Table 20: The t values between the individual series from coffin [114]


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