List of Figures

Figure 1: View of the site of S. Omobono (S. Omobono Project).

Figure 2: The area of demolition in the Nolli map (see Figure 6), with the clickable areas for which additional information is available (from Frutaz 1962, plates 407, 410).

Figure 3: The Capitoline Hill, the Forum Holitorium and the Forum Boarium as shown in the map by L. Bufalini, 1551 (from Frutaz 1962, plates 202-203).

Figure 4: The area between the Capitoline Hill and the church of S. Maria in Cosmedin in the map by E. Du Pérac, 1577 (from Frutaz 1962, plate 245).

Figure 5: The Capitoline Hill, Piazza Montanara and the church of S. Omobono in the map by A. Tempesta, 1693 (from Frutaz 1962, plates 266-267).

Figure 6: The Capitoline Hill, Via Tor de Specchi and Via Bocca della Verità in the map by G.B. Nolli, 1748 (from Frutaz 1962, plates 407, 410). Demolished buildings correspond to the following numbers on the map: 914 = S. Rita; 975 = S. Maria in vincis; 977 = S. Andrea in vincis; 981 = S. Orsola and S. Caterina; 1040 = S. Maria in Portico (S. Galla); 1052 = S. Aniano.

Figure 7: Master plan approved in 1931 for the reorganisation of the area (from Testa 1933, 346).

Figure 8: Isolation of the Capitoline. Demolition of the houses on the western slope (AFSRCM).

Figure 9: Northern side of the Via della Bocca della Verità (from Capitolium, IX, 1933, 341).

Figure 10: Redesign of Piazza della Bocca delle Verità with the gardens behind the so-called Temple of Vesta (AFSRCM).

Figure 11: Nymphaeum discovered in Piazza della Consolazione. Remains of the central image with the goddess Rome (watercolour by L. Cartocci; from Colini 1980).

Figure 12: Nymphaeum discovered in Piazza della Consolazione. Remains of the left image (watercolour by L. Cartocci; from Colini 1980).

Figure 13: Piazza Montanara in the initial phase of its demolition (AFSRCM).

Figure 14: The first arrangement of the portico in peperino (AFSRCM).

Figure 15: The so-called Casina dei Pierleoni before the conservation work of 1998 (from Funari 1999).

Figure 16: View of the Tiber from the Aventine (from Brizzi 1989, fig. 191).

Figure 17: The church of S. Andrea in vincis (AFSRCM).

Figure 18: Fresco with Perseus and Andromeda (AFSRCM).

Figure 19: The church of S. Aniano (AFSRCM).

Figure 20: The church and hospice of S. Galla before the demolition (AFSRCM).

Figure 21: The area of S. Galla after the demolition with the archaeological remains (AFSRCM).

Figure 22: The church of S. Lorenzo in Nicolacaso (AFSRCM).

Figure 23: Via del Mare and the church of S. Maria in Vincis during demolition (AFSRCM).

Figure 24: Via del Mare and the church of S. Nicola in Carcere during demolition (AFSRCM).

Figure 25: The church of S. Nicola de Funari (or of S. Orsola and S. Caterina) (AFSRCM).

Figure 26: The church of S. Rita before demolition (AFSRCM).

Figure 27: The insula near S. Rita (AFSRCM).

Figure 28: The temple of Portunus (AFSRCM).

Figure 29: The Armenian hospice during the demolition (AFSRCM).

Figure 30: The Theatre of Marcellus and the Via del Mare (AFSRCM).

Figure 31: The courtyard with stone mills (AFSRCM).

Figure 32: View of S. Omobono during the rescue work of 1937 (AFSRCM).

Figure 33: Stratigraphic sounding in the area of the Archaic temple (AFSRCM).

Figure 34: Clickable map of S. Omobono showing the excavated trenches (after original in AFSRCM).

Figure 35: Via della Consolazione with the church of S. Omobono (from Capitolium, IX, 1933, 354).

Figure 36: The church of S. Omobono at the end of the work in the archaeological area (AFSRCM).

Figure 37: Location of the stratigraphic soundings (Pisani Sartorio et al. 1989, 14, fig. 1).

Figure 38: Map of S. Omobono excavation area (AFSRCM).

Figure 39: Stratigraphic section of the 1959 soundings (Gjerstad 1962, tab. 3).

Figure 40: Wall with SW-NE orientation above the Middle Republican podium in settore I (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 1, c. 4051.104).

Figure 41: Front stairs of the Archaic temple and side wall with SW-NE orientation in settore I (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 1, c. 4051.126).

Figure 42: Stratigraphic section, settore I (Virgili 1977, 21, fig. 3)

Figure 43: Settore II. Excavation in progress (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 32, 6, c. 3902).

Figure 44: Remains of the Archaic altar, the impasto cup (centre), and architectural terracottas (centre, top, and between the stone block and the wooden planks) in settore II (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 1, c. 4051.10).

Figure 45: Work in sounding C of settore II. Sketch by Ioppolo dated 13/09/1963 (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 1, c. 4051.9).

Figure 46: Stratigraphic section, settori II and IV (Archivio SDO, n. 6187).

Figure 47: Fragments of architectural terracottas in settore II (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 1, c. 4051.21).

Figure 48: Stratigraphic section of the southern wall of settore V (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 5, cc. 4051.49).

Figure 49: Stratigraphic section of the northern wall of settore V (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 5, c. 4051.51).

Figure 50: Marble fragments in settore V (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 5, c. 4051.48).

Figure 51: Stratigraphic section of the four walls of settore V (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b 33, 7, c. 4049).

Figure 52: Composite plan of settore VI with various stratigraphic units (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 5, c. 4051.53).

Figure 53: Photograph of settore VII-IX from the south (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 5, c. 4051.147).

Figure 54: Photograph of settore VII-IX from the east (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b.31, 5, c. 4051. 148).

Figure 55: Photograph of the most recent layers in settore VII-IX from the west (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 5, c. 4051.154).

Figure 56: Drawing of marble cover tile, settore VII-IX (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 5, c. 4051.164).

Figure 57: Section of settore VII-IX; south face (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 5, c. 4051.192).

Figure 58: Schematic section of the Gjerstad sounding next to the excavation section (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 5, c. 4051.180).

Figure 59: Plan showing the location of the sounding in settore VIII (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 28, 1, c. 3028).

Figure 60: Settore VIII during the excavation (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 5, c. 4051.223).

Figure 61: Stratigraphic section of the western wall of the sounding in settore VIII (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 31, 5, c. 4051.252).

Figure 62: View of the western temple from the west, with the temple at the bottom left (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 29, 7, c. 3483).

Figure 63: East-west section of the sounding within the western temple (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 70, 3, c. 16315).

Figure 64: Schematic plan of the soundings within the western temple (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 70, 3, c. 16313.3).

Figure 65: Annotated photograph showing the location of soundings within the western temple (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 70, 3, c. 16361/65).

Figure 66: Photograph of the soundings within the western temple (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 70, 5, c. 163610071).

Figure 67: Sketch of the section of the sounding on the western side of the western temple (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 70, 12, c. 16361/108).

Figure 68: Photograph of the sounding along the western side of the western temple under excavation (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 70, 12, c. 16321/16).

Figure 69: Plan of excavated remains within the modern church (Ramieri 2005a, 82, tab. 1).

Figure 70: Remains of the pre-temple phase in the area of the Archaic temple (Pisani Sartorio et al. 1989, 24, tab. 3).

Figure 71: Structural remains of the first and second podia of the Archaic temple (Pisani Sartorio et al. 1989, 25-26, tables 4-5).

Figure 72: Schematic plan of the foundation courses of tufo blocks in front of the cellae of the twin temples (Sommella 1968, 64, fig. 2).

Figure 73: Blocks belonging to the circular and square monuments (Mercando 1966, 45, fig. 7).

Figure 74: Plan of the blocks of the circular and square monuments (Ioppolo 1966, tab. 1).

Figure 75: Reconstruction of four of the five inscribed elements by Torelli (1968, 72, fig. 1).

Figure 76: View of the northern stylobate, showing the superimposition of floors and steps belonging to different phases.

Figure 77: View of the northern stylobate, showing the superimposition of floors and steps belonging to different phases.

Figure 78: View of the floor of the so-called Republican taberna (AFSRCM, S. Omobono, b. 70, 5, c. 16361.54).


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