3.1 Treasure Trove

At the current time, new Treasure Trove legislation is with the legal drafters, after having been subject to public consultation. The revised content and consultation has been led by the Treasury Department of the Isle of Man Government, advised by MNH. This clear separation between MNH as the expert advisors and potential recipients of objects and the process of administration, valuation and settlement has been welcomed by all parties involved.

Among the comments made during the public consultation was that the definition of Treasure had to be changed to enable certain items made from non-precious metal to qualify and that items could be donated by the landowner/finder if they did not wish to receive a reward.

The main change subsequently proposed was that the Manx Treasure Trove legislation should more closely reflect that laid out in the Treasure Act for England and Wales. This would include a more specific and wider definition of Treasure, the inclusion of landowners as potential recipients of rewards and the removal of 'intention to reclaim' as a factor in judging whether or not an object is Treasure. Also, a Code of Practice specific to the Isle of Man is proposed.

With the increasing number of potential Treasure Trove items being reported, the legislation is overdue for modernisation. It is hoped that the new Isle of Man Treasure Act (or other title) will provide a clear, fair and sustainable procedure to all parties involved in the process of dealing with items claimed, and new legislation is currently being drafted.


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