List of Figures

Figure 1: UKDN WORD magazine, April 2012 ©United Kingdom Detector Net (UKDN)

Figure 2: Anglo Saxon gold thrymsa. Witmen-derived type. Discovered in Kent (2011). ©United Kingdom Detector Net (UKDN)

Figure 3: Roman zoomorphic pendant. Discovered in Suffolk (2011). ©United Kingdom Detector Net (UKDN)

Figure 4: Roman, enamelled fantail brooch. Discovered in Lincolnshire (2011). ©John Heath

Figure 5: Medieval, enamelled, heraldic harness pendant. Discovered in 2008.©United Kingdom Detector Net (UKDN).

Figure 6: Silver hawking vervel of William Russell, 5th Earl and 1st Duke of Bedford. Discovered in Bedfordshire (2011). ©United Kingdom Detector Net (UKDN)

Figure 7: Papal Bulla of Pope Alexander IV, AD 1254-1261. Discovered in Hampshire (2011). ©United Kingdom Detector Net (UKDN)

Figure 8: 16th-century silver cap hook. Discovered in Lincolnshire (2011). ©United Kingdom Detector Net (UKDN)

Figure 9: Philip and Mary silver sixpence dated 1555. Discovered in West Sussex (2011). ©United Kingdom Detector Net (UKDN)

Figure 10: Gold tremissis of Byzantine emperor Justinian II. Discovered in Kent (2011). ©United Kingdom Detector Net (UKDN)

Figure 11: Silver halfpenny of Edward III, Berwick mint. Discovered in Lincolnshire (2009). ©United Kingdom Detector Net (UKDN)

Figure 12: An average day of metal detecting finds (South Yorkshire). ©United Kingdom Detector Net (UKDN)

Figure 13: Roman, enamelled seal box (plan view). Discovered in Lincolnshire (2009). ©United Kingdom Detector Net (UKDN)

Figure 14: Roman, enamelled seal box (profile view). Discovered in Lincolnshire (2009). ©United Kingdom Detector Net (UKDN)


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