
I am grateful to my colleagues at the School of Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Leicester for facilitating the study leave that allowed for the production of this article. I am grateful also to the organisers and attendees at the 'Entrepôts et lieux de stockage dans le monde gréco-romain' workshop, held at the French School of Archaeology, Athens, in October 2012 where some of these ideas were first presented. Helen Goodchild provided much information on Roman Italian agriculture, and her 2007 PhD remains perhaps the best summative work on the topic. Eleni Hasaki prodded me to think more substantively, and her study of kilns provides the bulk of the data in Table 5. Jennifer Baird, Jago Cooper, Borja Legarra Herrero and Graham Shipley all made insightful comments on previous drafts, and Judith Winters and the anonymous reviewer greatly improved the text. As much as I might like to, I cannot blame them for any remaining errors.


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