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Table 1. Summary of materials from well deposits (excluding 1188/1106)
Context number Coarseware sherd count Coarseware weight (g) Amphora sherds Ceramic brick and tile (fragments) Animal bone (diagnostic zones) Isolated objects
1747 19 277.8 - - 2 -
1181/1160 - - - - - -
1697 31 218.8 - 1 - -
1748 - - - - - -
1749 - - - - - -
1888 5 51.1 6 - 1 -
1978 3 14.1 - 1 6 -
1979 2 25 - 2 219 -
2046 15 2976.9 - 1 348 -
2093 499 13086.5 6 5 129 Wooden bucket and leather fragments
2109 216 4287.4 2 - 6 -

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