
This project is supported as part of the Social Media Knowledge Exchange. The SMKE is a collaborative, interdisciplinary program at the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities at the University of Cambridge. It provides early career researchers the opportunity to engage with social media users in academia, museums, archives, libraries, and the voluntary sector. It is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK.

I would like to thank Sarah Castor-Perry for leading the communications workshop and producing the podcasts (sound, animation, and editing). Of course, without the participants there would be no project. I thank Pia Spry-Marques, Rosalind Wallduck, Lauren Cadwallader, and Isla Fay for submitting their work to the project and seeing it through to the end. I would also like to thank Anne Alexander, coordinator of the SMKE theme 'Social Media and Activism', for her guidance and advice on the project. Finally, I must thank all those who commented, retweeted, and watched the videos or engaged with the project in some other way and really helped make it into a knowledge exchange.


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File last updated: Tue Sep 3 2013