List of Tables

Table 1: Chronological periods for southern Sweden.

Table 2: Faunal samples from Resmo (RES), Köpingsvik (KOP) and Torsborg (TOR) successfully analysed for δ34S, sorted according to species. Precision for δ13C and δ15N ±0.15‰ or better for all samples (data from Eriksson et al. 2008). Precision for δ34S ±0.3‰ or better at Iso-Analytical (ISO) and ±0.2% or better at SIL.

Table 3: Human samples from Resmo (RES), Köpingsvik (KOP) and Torsborg (TOR) successfully analysed for δ34S, sorted according to site and individual. Precision for δ13C and δ15N ±0.15‰ or better for all samples (data from Eriksson et al. 2008). Precision for δ34S ±0.3‰ or better at Iso-Analytical (ISO) and ±0.2‰ or better at SIL.

Table 4: Overview of the interpretation of individual dietary and mobility isotope data for Resmo (subjects 1-31) and Torsborg (Roman numerals), sorted by chronological phase.

Table 5: Human and faunal samples which fail to meet the quality criteria for sulphur isotope analysis with regard to %S, C/S or N/S (Nehlich and Richards 2009), and are accordingly excluded. None of the samples analysed from the sites of Kalleguta (KAL), Vickleby (VIC) and Algutsrum (ALG), comply with the quality criteria and they are therefore not discussed in the main text.


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