List of Figures

Figure 1: δ13C and δ15N measurements on bulk food-crust samples from late Mesolithic and early Neolithic pottery, sites in eastern Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein, Germany (based on Craig et al. 2011, fig. 2).

Figure 2: Map of the study region. The sites Schlamersdorf LA 5, Bebensee LA 76, Seedorf LA 245 and Kayhude LA 8 are indicated by red crosses. Main watersheds are indicated by yellow lines (after Umweltbundesamt 2004). Map of Schleswig-Holstein by Wikimedia user NordNord-West, relief by Wikimedia user Lencer, globe by Wikimedia user TheEmirr.

Figure 3: Stable isotope results from food crusts, Trave and Alster valley sites (squares, Bebensee; diamonds, Seedorf; triangles, Schlamersdorf; circles, Kayhude); filled symbols, samples that must be from early Neolithic Funnel-Beaker pottery, based on sherd typology or 14C age; empty symbols, samples from Ertebølle pottery (or undetermined). Labels indicate conventional 14C ages of food crusts (Stuiver and Polach 1977), which can incorporate large reservoir effects (expected conventional 14C ages for terrestrial samples: late Ertebølle c. 5700–5200 BP, Funnel-Beaker 5100–4300 BP).

List of Tables

Table 1: EA-IRMS and radiocarbon measurements of the food crusts shown in Figure 3