
Adams, A. 1980 The Camera, New York: NY Graphic Society.

Bateman, J. 2005 'Wearing Juninho’s shirt: record and negotiation in excavation photographs' in S. Smiles and S. Moser (eds) Envisioning the Past: Archaeology and the Image, Oxford: Blackwell. 192-203.

Edwards, E. and Hart, J. 2004 'Introduction: photographs as objects' in E. Edwards and J. Hart (eds) Photographs, Objects, Histories, London: Routledge. 1-15.

Hamilakis, Y., Anagnostopoulos, A. and Ifantidis, F. 2009 'Postcards from the edge of time: archaeology, photography, archaeological ethnography (a photo-essay)', Public Archaeology (Special issue Archeological Ethnographies) 8(2/3), 283-309.

Ifantidis, F. 2013 Archaeographies: Excavating Neolithic Dispilio, Oxford: Archaeopress.

Sassoon, J. 2004 'Photographic materiality in the age of digital reproduction' in E. Edwards and J. Hart (eds) Photographs, Objects, Histories, London: Routledge. 197-213.

Shanks, M. 1997 'Photography and archaeology' in B.L. Molyneaux (ed) The Cultural Life of Images: Visual Representation in Archaeology, London: Routledge. 73-107.

Stephen, J.W. and Morgan, C. 2014 'Faces of Archaeology: A Photographic Portrait Study from the Seventh World Archaeological Congress', Archaeologies 10(2), 194-206.

Tringham, R. 1991 'Households with faces: the challenge of gender in prehistoric architectural remains' in J. Gero and M. Conkey (eds) Engendering Archaeology: Women in Prehistory, Oxford: Blackwell. 93-131.

Further reading, further blogging

There is a growing bibliography/blogography on the relationship between archaeology and photography, including experimental photoessays and themed photoblogs.

Bailey, D. 2013 'Cutting the earth/cutting the body' in A. Gonzÿlez-Ruibal (ed) Reclaiming Archaeology: Beyond the Tropes of Modernity, London: Routledge. 337-45

Bailey, D. 2014 'Which ruins do we valorize: a new calibration curve for the Balkan past' in B. Olsen and &Thorn;. Pétursdóttir (eds) Ruin Memories: Materiality, Aesthetics and the Archaeology of the Recent Past, London: Routledge. 215-29.

Berger, J. 1972 Ways of Seeing, London: Penguin.

Bohrer, F.N. 2011 Photography and Archaeology, London: Reaktion Books.

Cochrane, A. and Russell, I. 2007 'Visualising archaeology: a manifesto', Cambridge Archaeological Journal 17(1), 3-19.

Hamilakis, Y. and Ifantidis, F. 2013 'The other acropolises: multi-temporality and the persistence of the past' in P. Graves-Brown, R. Harrison and A. Piccini (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Archaeology of the Contemporary World, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 758-81.

Shanks, M. 2012 The Archaeological Imagination, Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press.

Sontag, S. 1977 On Photography, New York: Anchor.


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