Northern Zone, west of Road 1 (west of ditch 25021) - Period 4

No tangible change to the enclosure system layout is evident within that part of the Northern Zone west of Road1 during Period 4. The major Period 3B boundaries of ditches 25021 and 25015 persist and along with Road 1 delineate the essential subdivisions of this part of the settlement (Figure 160). Activity across this vicinity is almost exclusively confined to pitting, which is present in Open Areas 31, 32, 47 and 49. There is no obvious patterning in the nature or distribution of the Period 4 pits though, in general, all have large and varied finds assemblages that include metalwork and glass along with quantities of pottery and tile. Little can be gained by attempting to differentiate between earlier and later Period 4 activity within the various enclosures.

Period summary view | Open areas (lower terrace) | Open areas (upper terrace)

Figure 160: Period 4 - Open Areas 31-32, 47-49

The surviving/enduring major boundary ditch 25021 is described here, followed by the features occupying the interiors of the constituent Open Areas to its west (i.e. OAs 47 and 48). Those to its east are covered in 'Northern Zone, west of Road 1 (east of ditch 25021)'.

Ditch 25021 (Group 776)

Substantial north-south ditch 25021, established in the mid-2nd century, persists as an active boundary throughout Period 4 and perhaps as late as the end of the 3rd century (Period 5). Perhaps re-cut or at least cleaned out, it is notable that no other features encroach upon it throughout this time.

Open Areas 47 and 48

That part of the northern zone west of ditch 25021 is assumed to continue to be divided into two land units by a perpetuation of ditch 25029. However, these could equally be amalgamated into one in Period 4. Either way, the interior of OA48 is devoid of occupying remains and only two pits feature in OA47 (9464, 9974 Group 805). Pit 9464 contains substantial quantities of pottery, animal bone and a copper-alloy embossed plaque fragment (SF4940).

Also in OA47, deposition probably continues within the abandoned remains of Period 3C well 9421, as its infilling takes place in the later 2nd century and perhaps extends into the 3rd, as suggested by the presence of sherds of Nene Valley colour-coated ware.


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