Road 2 - Period 4

The latest surviving surface of Road 2, 18324 (Group 635), is only identified in a single area of investigation toward its southernmost exposed extent, opposite its junction with Road 3. Dating of the underlying road surface (Group 367) can only be to the early 2nd century and it is unclear how long intervening silt build-up 18325 (Group 368) accumulates. Thus, this latest road surface could conceivably also belong late in Period 3, though there is no reason to doubt that it continued in use into the mid-Roman period.

Period summary view | Open areas (lower terrace) | Open areas (upper terrace)

Elsewhere along Road 2, up to the Road 1/4 junction, no comparable deposits are recorded. However, the settlement's morphology during this period demands its continuing use. There are a number of roadside deposits recorded along the OA18 frontage (accumulations, road-wash, etc) that are only vaguely dated and are probably deposited over an extended period of time. Some are discussed in Period 3 (e.g. sandy gravel 5852, silt 5883) or even as late as Period 6 (e.g. sandy gravel 5839), but could be actively accumulating in Period 4 too.

The fact that roadside boundary fences continue to line both sides of Road 2 would seem to attest to its continuation as an active thoroughfare.


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