6. Star Carr-type Assemblages

The model for the currency of Star Carr-type assemblages is shown in Figure 4. Two sites have more than four measurements. The model for Star Carr is defined in Milner et al. (in press, appendices 17.1 and 17.2). Seven measurements are available on six samples from Seamer C. Two samples of unidentified waterlogged and charred wood provide termini post quos for the lithic material, and a weighted mean has been taken of the two bulk samples of willow/poplar charcoal from 2018, the main Mesolithic occupation horizon. Occupation at this site has been modelled as a relatively constant and continuous phase of activity. At Seamer K only two measurements are available from the Mesolithic occupation horizon, though their calibration is constrained by measurements from an underlying layer of peat (5085), which is itself below a Younger Dryas coversand that underlies the main Early Mesolithic occupation horizon (5012), and an overlying layer of peat.

This model suggests that Star Carr-type assemblages first appeared in 9805–9265 cal BC (95% probability; start Star Carr-type; Figure 4), probably in 9495–9290 cal BC (68% probability). Star Carr-type assemblages disappeared in 8230–7520 cal BC (95% probability; end Star Carr-type; Figure 4), probably in 8165–7835 cal BC (67% probability) or 7830–7815 cal BC (1% probability).

Figure 4
Figure 4: Probability distributions of radiocarbon dates associated with Star Carr-type microliths (the component relating to Star Carr is defined in Milner et al. in press, appendix 17.1, and key parameters only are shown). The format is identical to Figure 3.


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