5. Conclusion

This article has sought to explore how digital creativity offers academics not only the technologies but also the opportunities to have impact beyond the academy. Ten years of archaeological and historical research at the Guildhall, Stratford-upon-Avon, has informed a successful £1.4 million HLF grant, persuaded its owners to open up this building to the public, and created a new visitor attraction, boosting the heritage economy of Stratford-upon-Avon. Digital creativity enabled academics, conservators and heritage managers to engage in meaningful dialogue, as new discoveries and interpretations, quite literally, came to light during the project. In Stratford-upon-Avon's Guildhall, visitors can experience for themselves how the visual, cultural and sensory traces of the medieval world suffused Shakespeare's Stratford-upon-Avon, and thus the imagination and work of one of Europe's greatest early modern playwrights. But the wider significance of this collaborative approach to digital creativity is as a model for schemes to conserve and interpret the increasingly fragile cultural heritage and interpretative lacunae of prehistoric, Classical and medieval Europe.


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