7.2 Performativity and selectedness

The PTMs produced as part of our interpretation process for the Mary May tomb relied on the performativity of the team members during the recording. In choosing where to focus our attentions, we enacted our own expectations of Mary May onto the creation of data from the RTIs. For instance, particular attention was paid to certain parts of the body in order to identify marks. This article is an attempt to acknowledge the necessary selectedness of our recording methodology. In addition to this, the mutual impact of the motivations of the many people who have contributed to the method of RTI must be considered. The PTMs of Mary May are created within RTIBuilder and viewed within RTIViewer. Both of these are open source software, constructed from many individual contributions. As Mackenzie's commentary on the performativity of the Linux kernel states, the PTM is representative of the space where what is described and what is enacted meet (2005). In this space, the PTM is therefore an embodiment of the needs of the cultural heritage and computer science sectors. The annotation tool is an instance of this meeting of requirement and enactment. This article considers through a discussion of the results from recording, analysing, and interpreting Mary May, whether the RTI fulfils user needs and explores how attention to the performativity of the RTI could shape future developments of the technique.


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