4.2 Geophysical survey by David Hopewell

Geophysical survey, aimed at identifying any traces of cultivation, was undertaken and focused on two adjoining sub-rectangular fields (Figure 11): F3 and F4. The survey results were dominated by substantial areas of 'noise', probably caused by large quantities of stone in the soil. Two quieter areas (1 and 2) may have been partly cleared of stone or may be natural variations in the soil.

Figure 11
Figure 11: Braich y Gornel: Gradiometer survey. Grey-scale plot and interpretation

Two conjoining rectangular enclosures (3 and 4) were detected. These together only partly correspond to field F3, visible on the ground as a low rubble bank. This suggests that the enclosures had been modified and that the south-eastern side and the division belong to an earlier phase. Two faint anomalies (5 and 6) may also correspond to earlier phases. Elsewhere, anomalies (7) and (8) correspond with upstanding walls. A further faint linear anomaly (9), not visible on the ground, may indicate another earlier boundary. The disturbance noted within enclosure (4) appears to contain faint linear features aligned north-east to south-west that respect its boundary and could be interpreted as evidence of contemporary cultivation.


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