
The archaeological excavations were funded by Waddeton Park Ltd, and the post-excavation work by Bovis Homes Ltd, whose support is gratefully acknowledged. Stephen Reed (Devon County Council Historic Environment Team) monitored the project for East Devon District Council. The fieldwork was managed for Cotswold Archaeology by Laurie Coleman and led by Charlotte Haines. The pottery and metal finds were examined by E.R. McSloy, and expert input came from Ruth Shaffrey, freelance worked stone specialist, Jacky Sommerville (other artefacts) and Andy Clarke (animal bone). The botanical remains were identified and reported on by Sarah Cobain. Aleksandra Osinska prepared the illustrations for publication. The publication report was compiled and edited by Andrew Mudd and Tom Brindle from contributions by the authors. Cotswold Archaeology is most grateful to Professor Christopher Dyer for reviewing the report and making valuable suggestions.


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