Bibliography and Further Reading

Aas, C., Ladkin, A. and Fletcher, J. 2005 'Stakeholder Collaboration and Heritage Management', Annals of Tourism Research 32(1), 28-48.

IUCN 2008 Management Planning for Natural World Heritage Properties: A Resource Manual for Practitioners, IUCN World Heritage Studies 5, Gland, Switzerland: IUCN Programme on Protected Areas.

Lisitzin, K. 2005 'Building shared perspectives in heritage management' City & Time 1(3), 3.

Ringbeck, B. 2008 Management Plans for World Heritage Sites. A practical guide Bonn: German Commission for UNESCO.>

UNESCO 1972 Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, UNESCO.

UNESCO 2012 Managing Natural World Heritage Paris.

UNESCO 2013 Managing Cultural World Heritage, Paris.

UNESCO 2017 Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, UNESCO.


Council of Europe website:

Namur Declaration:

World Heritage Centre:

Management planning of UNESCO World Heritage Sites –Guidelines for the development, implementation and monitoring of management plans — with the examples of Adriatic WHSs, project EX.PO AUS, EU — IPA Adriatic CBC Programme 2007-2013:


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