Caisteal nan Gillean, Oronsay (also referred to as Seal Cottage)

Region: Argyll
Map reference: NR 359879
References: Mellars 1987 (Q-3007,Q-3008,Q-3009)
Jardine and Jardine 1978 (Birm-326i,Birm-326m,Birm-326o)
Site details

Sample details

Sample Calibrated date range Description of context Date bp C13
Q-3008 5275 (5201, 5176,5136) 4927 Charcoal from the base of midden layer 4, trench C. 6190±80  
Q-3007 5250 (5051) 4836 Charcoal from the base of midden layer 4, trench C. 6120±80  
Q-3009 5196 (4932) 4780 Charcoal from the top of midden layer 4, trench C. 6035±70  
Birm-326i 5950 (5621) 5389 Same shell as two other Birm- 326 dates: 6850+/-120 and 6800+/- 200 6780±210 (7180±150)  
Birm-326m 5580 (5420, 5402,5379, 5356,5345) 5141 Shell from midden. Same shell as two other Birm- 326 dates: 6800+/-200 and 7180+/- 150 6450±170 (6850±120)  
Birm-326o 5634 (5320) 4863 Shell from midden: Same shell as two other Birm- 326 dates: 6850+/-120 and 7180+/- 150 6400±280 (6800±200)