Newton, Islay

Region: Argyll
Map reference: NR 343627
References: McCullagh 1991
Site details

Sample details

Sample Calibrated date range Description of context Date bp C13
GU-1954 7000 (6596) 6425 Charred hazel nuts from F436, basal layer in F35, Area 2, a subrectangular depression full of microliths, charred hazel nuts and charcoal, interpreted as a dwelling place or a flint working area. 7805±90 -24.4
GU-1953 7256 (6546) 6070 F408, uppermost layer in F35, Area 2, a subrectangular depression full of microliths, charred hazel nuts and charcoal, interpreted as a dwelling place or a flint working area. 7765±225 -25.3