List of Tables

Table 1: Roman kitchen utensils and vessels from sites in the north-east quarter of Leicester (Cool 2009a, table 96, with additions)

Table 2: Changing proportions of pottery vessel types (percentage of Estimated Vessel Equivalents (EVEs) over time from Vine Street (Johnson 2009a) and Causeway Lane (Clark 1999, tables 9-28)

Table 3: The glass vessels quantified by Estimated Vessel Equivalents (EVEs) arranged by functional groupings and site phase from Site 1 (all phases from Cool 2009b, table 120) and Causeway Lane (only Roman phases compiled by Cool 2006, table 18.1, from data by Davies 1999, 285, table 55, and converted to percentage figures). * = residual

Table 4: Quantified analysis of vessel forms from the Little Lane cellar measured by Estimated Vessel Equivalents (EVEs)

Table 5: Quantified analysis of pottery by sherd count and weight from cess pit 1067, Castle Street

Table 6: Quantified analysis of pottery from cess pits G526 at Vine Street courtyard house

Data table [.xls]: Ceramic assemblages from mid- to late first to later second century Roman Leicester and suburbs. Data supplied by University of Leicester Archaeological Services (ULAS) from project archives


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