
This article has been a long time in the making, and represents a culmination of several attempts (too often thwarted by the quality of the data) to compare funerary and non-funerary pottery assemblages and address questions of vessel choice in dining and burial. Some of the data and ideas derive from an unpublished paper by me and Dr Daniel Stansbie, and I am grateful to Dan for much of the groundwork. I would like to thank Oxford Archaeology for permission to reproduce Figure 1 and generally for the use of data generated by its projects. It should be added that the views expressed in this article are not necessarily those of Oxford Archaeology. The data and archive relating to Pepper Hill is copyright of High Speed 1 and available via the Archaeology Data Service. The correspondence analysis results and plots were generated using PAST version 2.15 (Hammer et al. 2001). Finally, I am indebted to Dr Martin Pitts, Professor Penelope M. Allison and Dr Sarah Colley for the opportunity to present my ideas at the two 'Big Data on the Roman Table' workshops and in this volume, and for comments and feedback from the delegates at the workshops. Needless to say, any errors remain the responsibility of the author.


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