List of Figures

Summary Image: The contents of one of the Bronze Age cassiterite pits from Truro, showing muller, cassiterite pebbles and processed cassiterite ore (photograph Sean Taylor, Copyright Cornwall Archaeological Unit).

Figure 1: The analysis of a stone tool from the Beaker structure on the Sennen pipeline. With no obvious surface indications that the artefact had been used in metalworking, pXRF analysis of the surface confirmed Sn residues on the stone in high concentrations.

Figure 2: An 'experiential' casting of replica Bronze Age metal items by Neil Burridge, with a small ceramic container using charcoal and a directed air supply. Ignoring the modern tools(!), what evidence would be left by this process if the tools are removed? A heated pit/hearth structure and charcoal.

Figure 3: Key sites discussed in the text with evidence of metalworking. Sites with direct evidence of working marked with circles; sites with indirect evidence of metalworking marked with triangles.

Figure 4: Final plan of the excavation of Roundhouse 1 (Tremough, Cornwall), showing the location of the finds in the house, and the metalworking hearth [774].

Figure 5: Excavation photographs of Tremough Roundhouse 1, showing: A) Pre-excavation shot of hearth [774] with pottery finds in-situ on top; B) Mould fragment found near hearth [774] during excavation, and C) Final excavation shot of Roundhouse 1, with the hearth highlighted by the circle.


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