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Internet Archaeology: Issue 62 (2023)

Archaeology and the Natural Environment. EAC symposium proceedings

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Andreas Picker

Cite this as: Picker, A. 2023 Introduction - Archaeology and the Natural Environment, Internet Archaeology 62.


Barney Sloane

Cite this as: Sloane, B. 2023 Archaeology and the Natural Environment. Foreword, Archaeology and the Natural Environment Internet Archaeology 62.

The Archaeological Landscape Park of Aguntum - an Alpine Roman Town in East Tyrol. Synergy between cultural heritage, landscape protection and biodiversity

Andreas Nemmert, Andrea Hassler and Oliver Stöhr

Cite this as: Nemmert, A., Hassler, A. and Stöhr, O. 2023 The Archaeological Landscape Park of Aguntum - an Alpine Roman Town in East Tyrol. Synergy between cultural heritage, landscape protection and biodiversity, Internet Archaeology 62.

Butrint National Park 'Integrated Management Plan' - Combining Natural Park with Cultural Heritage

Ela Miziri, Mariglen Meshini and Rudina Zoto

Cite this as: Miziri, E., Meshini, M. and Zoto, R. 2023 Butrint National Park 'Integrated Management Plan' - Combining Natural Park with Cultural Heritage, Internet Archaeology 62.

The Mazarrón II Wreck (Murcia, Spain). Management of human and natural threats

Ángel Villa

Cite this as: Villa, A. 2023 The Mazarrón II Wreck (Murcia, Spain). Management of human and natural threats, Internet Archaeology 62.

Sweden's First Restoration of an Ancient Monument - the burial ground Hemlanden on Birka

Mattias Schönbeck

Cite this as: Schönbeck, M. 2023 Sweden's First Restoration of an Ancient Monument - the burial ground Hemlanden on Birka, Internet Archaeology 62.

Sunken landscapes and settlement areas. On the reconquest of underwater archaeological sites

Cyril Dworsky

Cite this as: Dworsky, C. 2023 Sunken landscapes and settlement areas. On the reconquest of underwater archaeological sites, Internet Archaeology 62.

Archaeology and the Natural Environment in the Czech Republic. Recognition, documentation and protection in a time of climate change

Martin Tomášek and Jan Mařík

Cite this as: Tomášek, M. and Mařík, J. 2023 Archaeology and the Natural Environment in the Czech Republic. Recognition, documentation and protection in a time of climate change, Internet Archaeology 62.

Faunal Remains from Archaeological Sites Document Human Impact on the Terrestrial and Aquatic Environment: examples from the last thousand years in Belgium

Bea De Cupere and Wim Van Neer

Cite this as: De Cupere, B. and Van Neer, W. 2023 Faunal Remains from Archaeological Sites Document Human Impact on the Terrestrial and Aquatic Environment: examples from the last thousand years in Belgium, Internet Archaeology 62.

What's Down the Hole? Archaeobotanical evidence on plant subsistence and vegetation during the Hellenistic period at an archaeological site near Voditza village, north-eastern Bulgaria

Hanna Hristova and Kalina Petkova

Cite this as: Hristova, H. and Petkova, K. 2023 What's Down the Hole? Archaeobotanical evidence on plant subsistence and vegetation during the Hellenistic period at an archaeological site near Voditza village, north-eastern Bulgaria, Internet Archaeology 62.

Cultural Landscape Change from Late Neolithic to Late Middle Ages in Northern Westphalia. Interplay between the Natural Environment and the Anthropogenic Archaeological Remains

Leo Klinke

Cite this as: Klinke, L. 2023 Cultural Landscape Change from Late Neolithic to Late Middle Ages in Northern Westphalia. Interplay between the natural environment and the anthropogenic archaeological remains, Internet Archaeology 62.

Remote Sensing Data to Support Integrated Decision Making in Cultural and Natural Heritage Management. Impasses and opportunities for collaboration in agricultural areas

Rachel Opitz, Eamonn Baldwin, Philippe De Smedt, Jeroen Verhegge, Stefano Campana, Victorino Mayoral-Herrera, Marco Vieri, Carolina Perna and Daniele Sarri

Cite this as: Opitz, R., Baldwin, E., De Smedt, P., Verhegge, J., Campana, S., Mayoral-Herrera, V., Powlesland, D., Vieri, M., Perna, C. and Sarri, D. 2023 Remote Sensing Data to Support Integrated Decision Making in Cultural and Natural Heritage Management - Impasses and opportunities for collaboration in agricultural areas, Internet Archaeology 62.

Experiences Between Nature Conservation and Archaeology in the Old Water System of Southern Hesse (Hesse, Germany)

Thomas Becker

Cite this as: Becker, T. 2023 Experiences Between Nature Conservation and Archaeology in the Old Water System of Southern Hesse (Hesse, Germany), Internet Archaeology 62.

Nature Management and Protection of Archaeological Sites in Estonia

Anu Lillak

Cite this as: Lillak, A. 2023 Nature Management and Protection of Archaeological Sites in Estonia, Internet Archaeology 62.

Reconciling the Protection of Nature and Monuments – A Large-scale Nature Conservation Project Between the Siebengebirge and the Sieg

Christine Wohlfarth

Cite this as: Wohlfarth, C. 2023 Reconciling the Protection of Nature and Monuments. A large-scale nature conservation project between the Siebengebirge and the Sieg, Internet Archaeology 62.

Preservation of Archaeological and Natural Values. A Case Study of the North-Western part of Latvia

Sandra Zirne and Egita Lūsēna

Cite this as: Zirne, S. and Lusena, E. 2023 Preservation of Archaeological and Natural Values. A Case Study of the North-Western part of Latvia, Internet Archaeology 62.

The Twain Shall Meet: International rules for the protection of heritage and nature

Leonard de Wit

Cite this as: de Wit, L. 2023 The Twain Shall Meet: International rules for the protection of heritage and nature, Internet Archaeology 62.

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