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Visualising Heritage: using 3D immersive technologies to innovate, document and communicate rich narratives for HS2

Thomas Sparrow, Kate Bain, Mike Kimber and Andrew S. Wilson

Cite this as: Sparrow, T., Bain, K., Kimber, M. and Wilson, A.S. 2024 Visualising Heritage: using 3D immersive technologies to innovate, document and communicate rich narratives for HS2, Internet Archaeology 65.


The University of Bradford has established wide-ranging skillsets and capabilities as Visualising Heritage that have been built around expertise with 3D imaging for human bioarchaeology and for contextual understanding of archaeological sites, landscapes, heritage structures and associated artefacts. This paper reflects upon how these have been put to use during enabling works for HS2 and also the potential of this work for analysis, public engagement and legacy.

The main focus of this paper covers 3D digital documentation of the world's first railway roundhouse designed by Robert Stephenson at Birmingham Curzon Street, together with immersive content that helps to tell the story of its discovery and exposure. We discuss 3D modelling that helps to link both to the original architectural drawings and to the broader narratives for understanding changes to the design of the building during its working life. We also contextualise its place within the historic environment relative to the Principal Building – the original Curzon Street terminus for the London and Birmingham Railway, the Eagle and Tun public house and the former Park Street Cemetery.

Composite orthographic image derived from SFM photogrammetry model for Stephenson's Roundhouse
Composite orthographic image derived from SFM photogrammetry model for Stephenson's Roundhouse

As HS2 embarks upon the post-excavation phase, we also discuss the potential that recent investment from the Arts and Humanities Research Council in 'Capabilities for Human Bioarchaeology and Digital Collections' offers, building upon our pioneering 3D work at the object scale with 'Digitised Diseases', to bring within reach the potential for high throughput digital capture. This streamlines high fidelity 3D capture for key human bioarchaeology exemplars as legacy assets that would otherwise be lost to future study as they are destined for reburial.

Corresponding author: Andrew S. Wilson ORCID logo
Visualising Heritage, University of Bradford

Thomas SparrowORCID logo
Visualising Heritage, University of Bradford

Kate Bain
Headland Archaeology

Mike Kimber
Headland Archaeology

Full text

Figure 1: SFM photogrammetry for fireplace within the original Grand Junction Railway booking office

Figure 2: Grand Junction Railway infrastructure seen from drone imagery

Figure 3: SFM photogrammetry of Stephenson's Roundhouse showing camera positions

Figure 4: 3D modelled representation of Stephenson's Roundhouse

Figure 5: Composite orthographic image showing the location of the coke vault tunnels relative to Stephenson's Roundhouse

Figure 6: Cut-away of Curzon Street Principal Building. View interactive Figure 6.

Figure 7: Eagle and Tun public house from GeoSLAM Zeb Horizon data shown in context on New Canal Street prior to demolition

Figure 8: Eagle and Tun public house reconstructed using crowd sourced SFM photogrammetry

Figure 9: Orthographic projections derived from 3D model of SFM photogrammetry for barrel-shaped brick-lined vault at Park Street cemetery

Table 1: Timeline outlining the significance of the historic environment in terms of heritage assets

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